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2023-2024 Board of Trustees

Andrea Gevas Roper

Andrea Gevas Roper

 Andrea Roper is a Commercial Relationship Manager at Huntington National Bank. She has nine years of experience in the banking industry and currently works with many different industries that includes nonprofits, professional services firms, retail, and manufacturing companies. Having worked in several areas within the Finance sector, she has learned interpersonal and organizational skills as well as the ability to effectively manage complex situations and collaborate with others.

In her role as Relationship Manager, Andrea is responsible for over 25 clients that operate in the Middle Market space, where revenue spans from $50 million to $500 million. She provides analytical skills, structuring, and insights to help clients with financial and liquidity goals. Prior to joining Huntington’s Middle Market Group, Andrea was in the Financial Analyst Development Program at JPMorgan Chase where she spent two years in a rotational program centering around Financial Planning and Analysis.

Andrea is interested in joining the Home for Families Board given its dedication to end homelessness in Central Ohio and the emphasis on children’s education. She believes every child deserves a home, especially a stable one. The work that HFF does to ensure housing stability for a family and bring awareness to the community is inspiring. She also finds the educational component of the mission critical to a child’s future that can help to end homelessness in future generations. HFF provides valuable programs, such as SPARK and the afterschool sessions, that can help to remove systemic barriers. She is passionate about making an impact in her community and to provide support to children to set them up for future success. With the opportunity to serve on the HFF board, Andrea would be active in attending events, bringing awareness to the organization, and bring a passion to the committee she would serve on. Participation on the leadership committee for the Huntington Central Ohio Women’s Business Resource Group has led to memorable volunteering experiences, which includes preparing and serving hot lunches at Stowe Mission Center on a bi-monthly basis as well as serving dinner at the YWCA. With the opportunity to serve on the HFF board, she would have a network of women looking to volunteer at events to make an impact in the community. Additionally, the Women’s Business Resource Group will spotlight nonprofits in conjunction with an impact component. For example, a lunch-and-learn was held highlighting Action for Children while also hosting a book drive.

Other volunteer experiences include her involvement in Association for Corporate Growth (“ACG”), an organization that focuses on the M&A deal-making community with the mission to drive Middle Market growth. She currently serves on the Young ACG leadership committee where she helps plan networking happy hours and luncheons centering around a range of topics for the Central Ohio business community. She recently joined the ACG programming committee where she actively plans events on educational topics for business professionals. These programs typically have an audience of 130 individuals and Andrea is responsible for searching for relevant topics and bringing in industry experts to speak on a panel. In March 2024, Andrea planned and co-moderated an event around interest rates and the impact on M&A activity.

Home for Families is endorsed by the following organizations:

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