Are you and your family homeless and need shelter? Call the Homeless Hotline at 614-274-7000.
Are you pregnant and experiencing housing insecurity? Call the Homeless Hotline at 614-274-7000.
Are you between the ages of 18-24 years of age and homeless? Call the Homeless Hotline at 614-274-7000 or Huckleberry House's CARR Team at https://huckhouse.org/programs/youth-outreach-program/
Are you a Columbus State Community College and experiencing housing insecurity? Go to https://www.cscc.edu/services/essential-needs/housing-utilities.shtml.
Are you looking for in-home, pre-school education assistance to get your 3 to 5 year old ready for kindergarten?
Are you looking for a K-8 afterschool and/or summer program that supports your child's education?
Have you been a client/student at Home for Families and are struggling?
Are you currently housed, have minor children, AND are behind on your rent and/or utilities? If so, please visit to RENTFUL614 (https://www.rentful614.com/).
The Street Card provides all of the local resources and support service organizations.